Keeper of an extraordinary know-how, the atelier of the House of Carine Gilson gives a place of honor to the art of craftsmanship.
Highly skilled artisans make every unique, incomparable piece entirely by hand. Here, the love of craftsmanship is at its apex. The House of Carine Gilson embodies the sense of true luxury that comes with enthralling materials shaped by exacting, perfectly precise gestures. The singular techniques used in her atelier are the result of a rigorous process patiently passed on to her artisans.
The most beautiful lace incrustation on silk
From the outset, Carine Gilson has worked exclusively with Lyon silk and Calais lace. The fruit of luxurious fabrics and rare, authentic savoir-faire, her collections illustrate her intimate convictions through unequaled finesse and refinement.